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Dr. Iddi Ndyabawe (Kiwoko Hospital) conducting a Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) screening.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye condition affecting premature... .../Read More.

you must be the source of all the material you use in order to maintain the required standards, Alex Joseph Kiwalabye explains to Hussein Musisi how he manages to have high quality works .
Many native Ugandans through their different traditional legends and myths still believe in the... .../Read More.

Young Democratic Union of Africa (YDUA) is an organization that unites Center right Ideology party... .../Read More.

NZE YOSWA OWUWO OWEDDA, inspires fellow youth to engage into productive farming
Living the new normal is nothing compared to living the American dream, in Uganda the post COVID -... .../Read More.

Each One Help One, as God's blessings towards the giver never reduce, Favour is limitless. let each one of us help someone in need.
About 180 people benefited from two separate birthday out reaches organized as a give back to the... .../Read More.

this shows how various governments had to issue bigger notes
Every state has a currency and as Uganda, we have Shillings as our currency. Uganda is a young... .../Read More.
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