NZE YOSWA OWUWO OWEDDA, inspires fellow youth to engage into productive farming
Living the new normal is nothing compared to living the American dream, in Uganda the post COVID -19 (Corona Virus) era has proven us wrong. The... .../Read More.
this shows how various governments had to issue bigger notes
Every state has a currency and as Uganda, we have Shillings as our currency. Uganda is a young state having attained her independence in 1962 and... .../Read More.
Is coffee the only cash left for us !!!!
In early 1960's the Uganda Government which is described by the recent Museveni Government as Governments of Dictators and Selfish Persons... .../Read More.
The youth leader of Justice Forum (JEEMA) Musanje Haroona Chwa.
Justice Forum (JEEMA) starts operating as a pressure group in Uganda’s politics in 1995 and it was officially registered as a political party in 2006... .../Read More.
NABADDA SHAMIE, fourth from the right (behind the red card) together with the red card swarm, listening attentively to the chairperson of PFT Dr. Kizza Besigye. during the launch of the red card swarm.
The People’s Transition Front (PFT) has a leadership comprised of political actors from different entities which among others includes political... .../Read More.
Judith Namitala in the middle during the youth leaders workshop dubbed who a youth leader should be.
Nansana is a division is Nansana Municipality which is Wakiso district, with an estimate of 2.3 million youth and more in the making due to the... .../Read More.
The newly elected Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) Leader Mr. Kiirya Ismail is a little-known political elite from Program for Young Politician in Africa... .../Read More.
avoid COVID-19 by using our Homely hand Sanitizing gel
VISIONNEUSE INCORPORATED LIMITED Management Capacity; The business hatched from sharing skills, experiences and knowledge from wide participation in... .../Read More.
every community is our responsibility, meet Namakula Rosette the CEO of Youngester's Love Africa Foundation.
Most of the children especially those living in rural spaces are surrounded by tremendous obstacles deterring their voices from being heard. It ís on... .../Read More.
besides being a simple of Identify, the Bakenye use this logo of Bakenye Isaanga Development Association (BIDA) as there symbol of affinity.
THE 5WS AND H REGARDING BIDA In early 80s, there was a clique of Bakenye young men graduates who often converged at some drinking joint in Mulago for... .../Read More.